Pharmacie Mercier in Jewish history of Nice

This is the pharmacie Mercier on ave. Jean Médecin and rue Pastorelli. You probably have walked by it many times without ever thinking about its place in history. This pharmacy belonged to the grandfather of Michèle Mercier, the famous actress. René Mercier was the inventor of Mercier ointment and other renowned cosmetics made in Nice.When the Gestapo arrived suddenly in …

Gestapo in Nice

This is a photo of the buildings of 38 and 40 rue Victor Hugo in Nice. On 9 February, 1944, the Gestapo showed up at the apartment of Ludwig Baum and his 34-year-old daughter Greta. Ludwig indicated to Greta that she should try to escape, so she ran up the spiral staircase in their 5th floor apartment to the roof …

Partnership with Knight Frank

Via Nissa is the historic research partner of Knight Frank on the Côte d’Azur. Their latest publication has just been released. Our work is featured on pages 8-9.