History was unknown until recently

One of the most surprising facts for me is the idea that history was unknown in the past. For modern thinkers, we learn chronologically, and therefore we somehow tend to think that when we look back on history, our point of view is from today backward and therefore consider others perspective to be the same. So, someone from the 18th …

La Belle Époque

At Via Nissa, not only do we provide selected intellectual visits, but we also write a lot of history, mostly on homes in the French and Italian Rivieras.  Sometimes people think historical reports concern only really old houses, such as those that go back hundreds of years.  And yes, we do that kind of report as well; old Moulins or …

New “Integrated” Tour

France integrated.  This tour focuses on offering the foreign visitor an inside look at France today, viewed from various angles.  Particularly, the objective is to expose those who are not from the French culture to understand the various flashpoints which are today current, whether that be in terms of the economy, politics, religion or the transition in the way of …