This is the Vico di Untoria, located in the heart of the Jewish ghetto of the “Lanterna” in Genoa. The empty hollow above the sign once contained a crucifix. Untoria in English means, “plague carrier” and it was the name given to the street which ran through the 17th century ghetto making no mistake in identitifying who was responsible for …
Menorah. Why 7 branches?
Hidden in a private cellar on the rue Benoit Bunico, the former Jewish ghetto in Nice, which may date back to the 15th century, well before the ghetto of Venice, has been found an ancient Menorah carved into a rock placed into the wall. When most people think of a Menorah, they think of what is really something else, a …
The Grand Synagogue and the Nazis
This is the Grand Synagogue in Nice. It was built in 1885 and dedicated in 1886. When the Nazis first came to occupy Nice it was September 8, 1943. A quick look at the calendar shows that Yom Kippur in 1943 began on September 9. Knowing that the Jews of Nice would be at the synagogue on their most holy …
Diasporic Jews in Marseille
The story of Diasporic Jews is a long one. A people whom history has sent into exile from their place of origin. They ended up on unfamiliar ground and adapted their lives. They spoke their host’s language, wear his clothes, adapted his food and use his architectural vocabulary to build their houses and their synagogues, yet all the while they …