Pont Vieux – Old Bridge

Have you ever noticed the glass covering just at the tramway entrance Opéra? What could it possible show as the glass has become so dirty, nobody can tell. Well, it is the vestige of the former Pont Vieux, written about as early as the year 1250. The bridge was built from stone. The Paillon River has disappeared from our view, …

Exploring Jewish Nice

While working in the archives of the Alpes-Maritimes in Nice, sorting documents from a 20th century politician, I ran across a letter from a constituent which gripped my attention like no other.  The letter was one of palpitating fear.  You could almost feel the sweat dripping with each word as the writer, processing the horror of his circumstances, tried to …

Alfred Nobel in San Remo

“Am I feeling well?” Al is writing in response to a friend’s inquiry. “Am I feeling well, not necessarily”. I am even consulting doctors which is contrary to my custom and also to my principle. In the study where he composed those words, Al collapsed two day later. He was alone at the time and nobody knows how long it …

The Story of Monaco is an American story!

This is the story of a beautiful commoner and a handsome prince. The young woman was renown and glamorous, but without royal blood. The handsome prince when he first saw her was spellbound. She was a dazzling blond in her twenties and had the most eligible bachelors around the world seeking her hand. The prince, by contrast was a quiet …